How To Get Hard
in 60 Seconds! Disclaimer

While we make every effort to ensure that information represented in this eBook is as accurate as possible, assumes no responsibility as to the use or misuse of the content of the eBook. Like all things in life, you get out of it what you put into it. Your results may vary. But we are confident that if you follow the steps outlined in this eBook you should attain more success in greatly improving your sex life, should that be your goal. Please understand that this is an informative guide only. Your doctor should be consulted prior to implementing any procedures described in this eBook. No products described herein are offered for sale.

In your use of this eBook and any products or services described herein, is not liable for any success or failure you may claim through following suggestions made in the eBook, or through use of the information, products and services described. The purchase of this eBook is strictly for educational purposes.